I know Easter was a week ago, but better late than never. Piper, Paige, and I traveled to Paul to spend Easter weekend with Grandma and had a fabulous time. Piper got to color eggs at Uncle Ty's and Aunt Dina's with the big girls on Friday night. Then the Easter Bunny came to Grandma's house on Sunday. He brought lots of fun eggs with treats and a BIG egg with lots of fun presents. Paige slept though the egg hunt and Piper liked opening Paige's treat from the Easter Bunny. For Easter dinner we headed to Jim and Jackie's house for a fabulous dinner of steak and crab. Piper ate crab for the first time and loved it. All in all - it was a great weekend!
Getting ready for Easter dinner - I love this picture!
Thanks for sharing the pictures! I bet Easter was so fun, Piper is at the age where holidays are down right exciting!
Your girls are adorable!
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