Our sweet Paige turned 2 on the 15th. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. We had a great time celebrating Paige's special day be having a party on Saturday with friends and family. On Sunday we were able to have a yummy breakfast with Uncle Ty and Grandma Toni before they headed home and then we spent some time at the aquarium. I think she had a great time.
She loved helping me make her cupcakes for her big day:0) Her special Mickey Mouse balloon. Opening presents!!!! She had so much fun and loved every single gift. Her Mickey Mouse birthday cupcakes/cake. Dancing with her Tickle Me Elmo hands from Uncle Ty Ty and Aunt Dina. Her very special ears from Grandma Toni. A big thanks to Sheryl for getting them for us from Disneyland:0) "Just keep swimming!" We had a great couple of days being with friends and family. Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate our special little girl!
So this last week a friend of mine posted that she was making coffee cozies. I was intrigued and asked her if it was easy. She told me if I could sew in a straight line then I could do it. So today after Paige & I took Piper to school, we headed over to Karissa's house to make a cozy. I must say she was right. They are super fun and easy to make. I think these will make some cute and handy gifts when I need them. If you are interested in making some, check out the tutorial here!
I know that this is a super late post, but better late then never. We had a great Christmas. We loved having some family time and relaxing. Here are just a few pictures from our fun holiday.
Doug and his girls waiting to open their Christmas Eve presents. Paige was super excited for her "new box!" Happy Nappers to snuggle with why they waited for Santa to come. He came!!!! I hope everyone had a happy and memorable holiday!