Sunday, October 30, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

This past week Piper's school celebrated being drug-free with Red Ribbon Week. Each day they had a different theme for the kids and teachers to participate in. This is how the week went:

Monday: Wear as much red as you can! Tuesday: "Don't let drugs sneak up on you!" Wear sneakers.

Wednesday: "Sock-it to drugs!" Wear crazy socks.

Thursday: "Hats off to being drug free!" Wear a hat.
Friday: Living drug-free is no sweat!" Wear sweats.
I thought it was cute that they had a theme for each day. Piper loved participating and it was great to see all the other kids and teachers at the school participate as well.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Too cute!!! She is a darling little poser! She has such a beautiful smile!