Sunday, July 31, 2011

Left the Nest

On Wednesday afternoon I was sitting out on the swing reading and I watched our baby birds leave the nest one by one.

Rapunzel Cornelius

Charlie It has been so fun watching the nest being built, Mama Bonnie laying and sitting on the eggs, and seeing the babies hatch. We(especially Piper) are going to miss these little guys.

Monday, July 25, 2011


The result of being woken way too early.


Rapunzel, Cornelius, and Charlie. Yes the baby birds in our backyard finally hatched. This is the first little head that popped out of the nest.
Today all three finally made an appearance. Both Piper and Paige enjoy sitting outside watching Momma Bonnie bring the babies food. Though they are messy little things, it has been fun watching it all happen from our swing in the backyard.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Things have been pretty crazy lately so I haven't been taking as many pictures as I should have. With a birthday, wedding anniversary, holiday, and Piper leaving on her first big girl trip all within a week, I have been one busy mama. But I have managed to snap a few pictures here and there. Hope you enjoy them!

Poppy Rick and Piper relaxing on the 4th of July.
Paige chillin' on the new patio swing. Piper enjoying the new sprinkler she got for her birthday.

For my birthday Doug got me a Dreamweavers hammock. We didn't have anywhere we could hang it in the backyard so Doug and Rick are building me my very own structure. These guys are the best!